
Sculptra: The “Benjamin Button” of Aesthetic Treatments

Sculptra by The Alchemy Clinic in Manchester NH

Are you looking for the “Benjamin Button” effect?  Well allow us to introduce you to Sculptra; an injectable that should be considered as part of everyone’s aesthetic plan. Sculptra is a biostimulator and falls under the realm of regenerative aesthetics. Regenerative aesthetics is the restoration of lost or damaged tissue with identical but healthy tissue to produce a natural and rejuvenated appearance. 

Sculptra stimulates the tissue to produce both type 1 and 3 collagen which is important as collagen production starts to dwindle in the mid to late 20’s and early 30’s and progresses to a 1% loss every year thereafter. So why is collagen important anyway? Simple. Collagen is the foundation of youth. This is what gives the skin its youthful glow and plumpness.  Collagen stimulates the formation of fibroblasts which help new cells grow, plays a vital role in replacing dead skin cells, and gives structure, strength, and elasticity to the skin. 

There are several studies that report an increase of 66.5% in type I collagen after 3 months after Sculptra injections.  

While Sculptra was initially created to restore volume in patients with severe fat loss in the face, through the decades we have discovered that Sculptra can do so much more. Sculptra cannot only re-volumize but lift and slim a face, restore a youthful glow to the face, and truly keep it one of the biggest anti-aging weapons we have. 

Sculptra doesn’t necessarily take the place of dermal fillers, as most patients will still require dermal fillers after Sculptra injections specifically for lower face correction including lip and chin augmentation as well as under eye treatments. The eyes and mouth are encased by circular sphincter muscles that tighten and pull down when engaged, therefore this is not an ideal place for Sculptra as we do not want to impact movement in these areas. 

Results are not instantaneous, as it takes time for our bodies to produce the transformative effects of Sculptra, but unlike dermal fillers, the results of Sculptra are longer lasting and will give you the foundational support that your tissue needs! 


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